2018 Florida Equine Institute & Allied Trade Show

By UF/IFAS Extension, Marion County (other events)

Thursday, September 20 2018 8:00 AM 4:00 PM EST

This annual event focuses on the equine production as it relates to sport (including racing and competitive events) and recreational horses.

The theme for the 2018 educational program is "Filling In The Blanks". This University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service program is designed to provide Florida Horsemen and Horsewomen with current equine management information and a "working" Trade Show.

The Trade Show will open at 8:00 am and the seminars will begin at 8:30 am. Highlights of the educational program include the following topics and speakers:

“Horse Pasture: More Than Just A Turnout Paddock”

Marcelo Wallau, PhD.; Forages Extension Specialist, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, University of Florida 

“Managing Manure Through Composting”

Caitlin Bainum, Ag and Natural Resources Agent, UF/IFAS Extension, Marion County 

“Equine Ophthalmology and Eye Health"

Caryn Plummer, D.V.M.; College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida

“Horse Training Methods for Mounted Archery Horses”

(Live Animal Demo)

Lukas Novotny, Umatilla, FL

"Experiential Breakout Sessions (3 stations, 20 minutes each)”

Weed ID, Proper Saddle and Pad Fitting, Equine Health and Bio-Security

University of Florida Extension Agents and Specialists


Laura Patterson Rosa, Candidate

Department of Animal Sciences, University of Florida

Register Now To Win a $50 Gift Certificate! Each paid participant registration will be entered into a drawing to win one of five $50 gift certificates good at Tack Shack of Ocala, Inc. or Tack Shack Too.  Take a look at their website . The drawing will be held at the conclusion of the program on September 20, 2018.

Registration includes admission to all seminars, trade show, a printed copy of the speakers’ papers, refreshment breaks and catered lunch.

Early registration is $35.00 if on or before September 14, 2018. Student registration is $20.00 (student ID required). FTBOA registration is $25.00 (membership card required).   On-site registration or late registration (after September 14, 2018) is $75.00.

Trade Show Exhibitor Information: Sponsorship levels are available starting at $150. For a detailed description of specific sponsorship level benefits, go to or phone (352)-671-8400

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Caitlin Bainum (352) 671-8400 or Ed Jennings (352)486-5131. We will do everything we can to assist you.

We look forward to having you at the 2018 Florida Equine Institute & Allied Trade Show and sincerely appreciate your assistance in making this a successful event.

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UF/IFAS Extension, Marion County